💾Public data downloads

Accessing complete species metadata, analysis and FASTA downloads

NB This feature is currently in testing and may be replaced.

About the downloads

In order to facilitate access to the Pathogenwatch public data sets, we have exported all the metadata and analysis CSVs, along with the assembled genome FASTAs, to a public "S3" bucket on DigitalOcean.

File naming scheme

Species names contain characters that will need to be "URL encoded" for access. Examples of how to do this are given below.

Annotation files

Name format

<species name>__<tool name>.csv.gz


FASTA files

Name format

<species name>__fasta.zip


Using the downloads bucket

Via the browser

Getting the complete list of files

Click on the root bucket URL to view an XML text representation of all the available files.

Downloading an individual file

Use Ctrl-F/Cmd-F to search the page with the name of the species

Copy the root bucket URL into a new tab + / at the end of the URL and append the the contents of the Key field (i.e. <Key>[file name]</Key> and your browser should automatically download it (tested in Chrome)

With cURL/jq/yq on the command line

Getting the complete list of files.

xq is tool for parsing XML from the yq set of tools. It can be easily installed for most systems.

curl https://pathogenwatch-public.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com | xq '.ListBucketResult.Contents[].Key'

Downloading an individual file

jq is a tool for parsing JSON files on the command line. It can also be easily installed on most systems.

Substitute the name of the file you wish to download into the command below.

curl -O https://pathogenwatch-public.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/$( printf "Klebsiella pneumoniae__kleborate.csv.gz" | jq -sRr '@uri )'


The easiest tool for working with S3 buckets is the s3cmd tool. It supports browsing, downloading and syncing from S3 buckets in general.

Getting the complete list of files

s3cmd --host ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com --host-bucket "%(bucket)s.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com" ls s3://pathogenwatch-public | sed -re 's,\s+, ,g' | cut -f 4- -d ' '

Downloading an individual file

s3cmd --host ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com --host-bucket "%(bucket)s.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com" get "s3://pathogenwatch-public/Klebsiella pneumoniae__kleborate.csv.gz"

Downloading all the files

This will download all the files into the current directory

s3cmd --host ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com --host-bucket "%(bucket)s.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com" get s3://pathogenwatch-public/ --recursive


There are also libraries supporting the S3 API in most programming languages and computation platforms (i.e Nextflow).

Last updated