📜Release Notes 2024

Pathogenwatch release notes for 2024


15th April


  • The cgMLST profile single linkage clustering tool has been refactored to reduce memory and CPU use. There should be no impact on the results.


20th January


  • All cgMLST assignments have been updated to the latest version of the MLST code, with the schemes updated to 08/12/2023. This is includes several bug fixes, and we expect some significant improvements to the cgMLST profile-base clustering. Due to the complexity of the update, if you see any issues, please do get in touch.


19th January


  • PopPUNK cluster assignments for Vibrio cholerae, provided by our Vibriowatch collaboration. All V. cholerae genomes have been updated to include their cluster assignment.


  • After further review, the previous Vista biotype assignments have been deemed unreliable. We would recommend that users do not rely on the previous results. A new version is under development by our collaborators at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.

Last updated