
A tool for typing the surface polysaccharide loci of Klebsiella and A. baumanii

About Kaptive

The Kaptive software from Lam et al provides assignment of locus types for surface polysaccharide loci for both Klebsiella species and Acinetobacter baumanii. It is run as part of Kleborate for Klebsiella species and directly for A. baumanii.

Visit the Kaptive Wiki for a complete description: https://github.com/katholt/Kaptive/wiki

Alternatively a full tutorial is provided at: http://bit.ly/kaptive-workshop



The assigned type and confidence are shown in the individual Genome Reports and the Typing table in the Collection view. Detailed CSV format files for Kaptive can be downloaded from the Genome List view for A. baumanii, while the Klebsiella assignments are found in the Kleborate download.

Available Schemes

Acinetobacter baumanii

Klebsiella (Kleborate)

How to cite

Last updated