Migrating your workflows into the latest version of Data-flo

As of June 2024, all workflows will be automatically migrated into the latest version of Data-flo. We recommend testing your workflows to ensure all the adaptors have transferred and all your workflows function as intended.

When reviewing your workflows, you may find several different scenarios for your adaptors:

Scenario 1: Adaptors that have been slightly altered or combined to streamline workflows that appear as deprecated but map to another adaptor

Old adaptor

Migrated adaptor

Suggested adaptor to use

Scenario 2: Adaptors that have been deprecated and may require a workaround with new adaptors to achieve the same outcome

Old adaptor

Migrated adaptor

Scenario 3: Adaptors that have been retained or renamed for clarity

Old adaptor name

Retained adaptor name

Old adaptor name

Renamed adaptor

Scenario 4: New adaptors to incorporate into your workflows as relevant (see Data-flo major update page for more information on new adaptors)

Last updated