

export-to-microreact-project adaptor creates a new project or updates an existing a project on a Microreact server.


project Type: text Required: No The ID (e.g., fCXBPv48KNkm5oZq8UWdHG) or the URL (e.g., https://microreact.org/project/fCXBPv48KNkm5oZq8UWdHG) of an existing project to be updated. Leave empty to create a new project.

name Type: text Required: No The new project name. If unspecified, defaults to existing project name if there is one, otherwise defaults to Unnamed project.

description Type: text Required: No An optional project description in Markdown format.

data file Type: file Required: No A data file in one of the supported formats. Leave empty if using data url.

data url Type: text Required: No URL linking to a data file in one of the supported formats. Leave empty if using data file.

tree file Type: file Required: No A phylogenetic tree file in Newick format. Leave empty if using tree url.

tree url Type: text Required: No URL linking to a tree file in Newick format. Leave empty if using tree file.

network file Type: file Required: No A network file in DOT format. Leave empty if using network url.

network url Type: text Required: No URL linking to a network file in DOT format. Leave empty if using network file.

server api Type: text Required: No The URL of the Microreact server on which the project will be created or updated. If you have a local Microreact installation, you must include /api/ after your Microreact server URL. If unspecified, defaults to https://microreact.org/.

access token Type: text Required: Yes The API access token for a Microreact account.

id column Type: text Required: No The column name in data that will be used as the unique row ID. If unspecified, defaults to id.

timeline column Type: text Required: No The column name which contains the timeline data. If unspecified, no timeline will be added when creating a new project.

latitude column Type: text Required: No The column name which contains map latitude values. If unspecified, no map will be added when creating a new project.

longitude column Type: text Required: No The column name which contains map longitude values. If unspecified, no map will be added when creating a new project.


id Type: text The ID of the Microreact project.

urlType: text The URL for the Microreact project.


Example 1: Default behaviour.


data file: data.csv

id, code, name
1, GB, United Kingdom
2, TR, Turkey
3, US, United States

name: demo-project

project: null (empty)

access token: null (empty)

description: id

data url: null (empty)

network file: null (empty)

server api: null (empty)

network url: null (empty)

access token: 1234567890

id column: null (empty)

timeline column: null (empty)

latitude column: null (empty)

longitude column: null (empty)


id: 12345

url: https://microreact.org/project/testproject

-> Exported CSV data file to a new Microreact project

Use Cases

  • Process data using Data-flo and export cleaned data to Microreact for visualisation and interactive analysis.

  • Update an existing Microreact project with new data.

Last updated