

export-file-to-google-drive adaptor is used to export a file to an existing folder in Google Drive.

The folder should be shared with data-flo@data-flo.iam.gserviceaccount.com and given edit permission. This adaptor can be used to create a new file, or update an existing file in Google Drive


file Type: file Required: Yes The file to be exported.

file url Type: text Required: No The URL of an existing file on Google Drive to be updated. Leave empty to create a new file.

folder url Type: text Required: No The URL of the destination folder on Google Drive. Leave empty when updating a file.

output file name Type: text Required: No The name of the file to be on Google Drive.


url Type: text The Google Drive URL of the exported file.

id Type: text The Google Drive ID of the exported file.


Example 1: Default behaviour.


file: example.txt

file url: null (empty)

folder url: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/123456?usp=sharing

output file name: null (empty)


url: https://drive.google.com/file/d/7891011

id: 7891011

-> Exported the file example.txt to a goole drive folder.

Example 2: Update an existing file.


file: example.txt

file url: https://drive.google.com/file/d/7891011/view?usp=sharing

folder url: null (empty)

output file name: test-example.txt


url: https://drive.google.com/file/d/7891011

id: 7891011

-> Overwrote the file example.txt on google drive and renamed it to test-example.txt.

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