
replace-values-in-columns adaptor replaces all instances of a pattern in one or more columns in a datatable.

The replacement values can be written to the original columns or new columns.


data Type: datatable Required: Yes The datatable containing values to be replaced.

columns Type: dictionary Required: Yes A dictionary of existing column names with names of new columns, where the dictionary keys are the names of existing columns, and the dictionary values are the names of the columns to which the replacement values are written. If a dictionary value is left blank, the replacement values are written to the original column.

pattern Type: text Required: Yes The text or regular expression to be replaced. The pattern is treated as a regular expression if it begins and ends with / (e.g., /.*/).

replacement Type: text Required: No The text that replaces all instances of the pattern. If unspecified, matches will be replaced with blank text. If a regular expression was used as a pattern, capture groups can be included as $1, $2, etc.


data Type: datatable A datatable with replacement values written to the original columns or new columns.


Example 1: Default behaviour.




pattern: GB

replacement: UK



-> Replaced the value GB in the existing code column with the value UK.

Last updated